Better-educated people are more likely to be in work and tend to earn more. Gaining a new skill can also enable you to progress quickly into a higher paid role with your current employer. Education shapes a range of other outcomes, including health, criminality, and even happiness.
The UK, like most countries, requires children to attend school but the experiences children have at school can be very different. Government decisions drive the level of funding available to different schools, but also schools make decisions as varied as whether to set children by ability or the size of classes. Teachers’ choices on how to lead their classes also have a huge impact on learning, and even the other pupils in a child’s classroom can influence their attainment. This along with undiagnosed neurodiversity and mental health conditions can lead to many people growing up having not reached their true potential.
Going back into education as an adult can be a daunting experience and a source of anxiety and confusion, we want to help! Furthering your education doesn't have to mean spending money, there are lots of free courses and funded places available. Some of the amazing initiatives available are as follows*;
We're on a mission to close the gender gap in tech by providing employment through free education.
We’ve already helped more than 140,000 women learn to code and by working with companies globally, we’re boosting employability, diversity and social mobility, transforming local economies and communities.
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You need basic reading, writing and maths skills to apply for most jobs or to study further. If you’re over 16 and you’ve left school, you normally do not have to pay to do:
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If you’re aged over 19 and looking to change sectors or progress in your current industry, a Skills Bootcamp could be your next step to a better job.
These flexible courses last up to 16 weeks and allow you to gain skills employers are looking for.
You will also have a guaranteed job interview at the end of the course.
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Alternatively you can find free or low cost courses in a variety of subjects from the following providers: